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Best Handgun Training

Our Mission: To provide professional instruction and training while introducing Safe and Responsible Gun Ownership, use and activities.

The 2nd Ammendment guarantees the People The Right to Keep and Bear Arms


New Gun Laws, Proposed Gun Laws, and Legislation in the Works


It is important to keep up on the gun laws throughout our nation. There are many anti-gun groups and individuals, and particularly elected and appointed officials which are always attempting to infringe upon our 2nd Ammendment rights.

As proposed, introduced, or enacted legislation regarding firearms and ammunition laws are presented, Best Handgun Training will keep you informed.

As citizens of the United States, we need to protect our constitutional rights. If some of our legislators had it their way, guns would be banned in their entirety. If this were the case, the only gun owners would be the criminals. This would be an absolute devastating situation.

With a strong presence and involvement with our legislators, the NRA has been preserving our 2nd Ammendment rights to the fullest extent. Without the NRA, it would be a very scary thought where our rights to bear arms (or not) would be right now.

If you are not a member of the NRA, we highly recommend that you do your part in protecting our rights to bear arms. Join the NRA today, and show your support. Make your voice heard. The NRA is a non-profit organization which has the strong presence which is desperately needed to help preserve and protect our rights.

The cost of an NRA membership is very affordable, and makes your voice heard! If you would like to save money on your membership, join today by clicking on the Join The NRA link today.

With the Anti Gun lobbyists and elected officials whom persistently and constantly ignore our constitutional rights, the NRA needs your help now, more than ever!


Important Gun Legislation


Register to Vote today!


Protect Our Gun Rights


If you are not a registered voter, now is the time to get involved. Many citizens think that their one vote will not count.  This is not true.  Of the millions of unregistered voters, just think how this could make a change in the next election, as one vote turns into millions of votes.

But, in order to accomplish this, you must register to vote.  If you cannot find the time to vote on election day...... Not a problem...... Absentee voting is easier than ever.  Make your selections, and send it in the mail.  No time lost!

It's time to quit procrastinating More now than ever. While you are on this website, simply send me an email requesting that a Voter Registration Card be sent to you, and one will be on the way. 

I cannot stress the importance of your vote!! 

Again, while you are at it, Join the NRA today!!  Your cost of $25.00 to join ($10.00 off) will definitely help our great cause of defending our rights. 

If these Anti-Gun Legislators get their way, what will be next??  Absolute chaos is sure to occur. The streets will be filled with criminals with firearms, and law abiding citizens will be stripped of our rights. Is this what we really want?




Best Handgun Training Pistol 1

SigSauer Rifle

Best Handgun Training Handgun Accessories 



Join the NRA now and SAVE $10.00